EISA Awards shortlisting 2023

Stephen Jones named as a finalist in the 2023 EISA Awards shortlisting

In another challenging year, but with one of the largest number of entries seen, Stephen Jones has been short-listed as one of the finalists in the Enterprise Investment Scheme Association Awards category of Best Financial Planner.

EISA is the professional body representing the entrepreneur and investors who use either Seed or Enterprise Investment Schemes.

About the Award

The Best Financial Planner awards individual financial planners who demonstrate their expertise in advising clients utilising a pre-eminent tax planning solution within a financial tax and investment planning context. It assesses their technical competence, industry knowledge and how they add value to their client’s objectives.

Commenting on the Award

Stephen Jones said:
"Given the high quality of the other short-listed candidates I am delighted to be short-listed again for the award. It feels the bar just gets higher each year."

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