EIS On Trial

EIS On Trial

On Thursday 19 July 2023 GBI Magazine hosted a one-of-a-kind “EIS On Trial" webinar in an attempt to uncover advisers’ true feelings about the enterprise investment scheme.

In a trend-breaking format, with Lawrence Gosling presiding as the judge of the court, with Martin Fox acting for the prosecution and Stephen Jones as the barrister for the defence.

The two sides rigorously assessed the pros and cons of EIS as an investment choice both calling on key witnesses to back their arguments.

Representatives from industry-leading companies such as Par Equity and Hardman & Co, amongst others, gave their viewpoints and leaned on their expertise to advise the on-looking jury as to the validity of EIS as an investment opportunity.

Ultimately, the decision came down to the Jury (the viewers) as to whether they believe that the positives of investing in EIS outweigh the negatives.

Ultimately 93% agreed with the defence – a tremendous result and ringing endorsement for financial planners to always consider an EIS as part of a client’s financial planning solution.

If you would like to watch it please click here: Registration (gotowebinar.com)

You can read the full GBI article here.

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