Budget Blog Update for 2017
In the recent budget by the Chancellor Philip Hammond, the biggest giveaway was that stamp duty is to be abolished for first-time buyers on properties up to £300,000. This represents a cut for 80% of first-time buyers.

Stephen Jones of Clear Solutions Named as a Finalist at 2017 Growth Investor Awards
The awards recognise innovation and impact in SME investment in the UK, as well as celebrating forward thinking intermediaries who promote alternative investments and tax-advantaged venture capital schemes as part of their investment proposition.

What is a Financial Adviser?
Quite possibly the most common question early in the initial meeting I am asked is “what is the difference between a Financial Adviser and a Financial Planner?” The real answer, for some at least, is not a lot.

Growth Investor Awards Finalist!
Below is a copy of the Press Release about our exciting News that Clear Solutions has been picked for the second year in a row for the Prestigious Growth Investor Awards Finalist in the category of Financial Adviser of the Year 2016!

Clear Solutions wins not One but Two National Awards!
We are very pleased to announce that we are indeed a multi-award winning Financial Planning firm and this has been boosted in December 2015 through Clear Solutions Wealth and Tax Management being the recipient of Two Awards.